Patent Bending is a Canadian reality television series that premiered August 22, 2006, on the Discovery Channel. The series is based on building some of the weird, fantastical ideas inventors have patented over the last century. Once physically realised, the flaws in these ideas tend to be humorously obvious and explain the ideas` lack of commercial success. The team then tries to come up with an improved version, thus the "bending" part of the title, meeting with varying results.
The Patent Bending team scours books of patents from the past 100 years to find
the seemingly greatest, strangest or most fantastically odd ideas that never got
off the page – then figures out why. Each episode identifies one idea and starts
the process of bringing the invention to life. They build it, test it and they
quickly figure out why it never worked. The team includes Russell Zeid, a
scientist and science educator; Tom Stewart, a jack-of-all-trades inventor;
and Rick Minke, a master builder and industrial engineer.
Episode(s) تعداد قسمتها :
1- Bicycle Lawnmower
2- Floating Tent
3- Twelve Gauge Golfclub
4- Helmet Bar
5- Chute ‘N Shoes
6- Human Carwash
7- Fishing Show
8- Motorized Picnic Table
9- The Baby Show
10- Mouse Trap
11- Man Catcher
12- Super Shopping Cart
13- Aqua Motorcycle
14- The Good, The Bad, And The Useless
خريد پستي Patent Bending ,علمی - تخيلی Sci-Fi, فروشگاه فيلم هاي مستند كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research