When science fiction comes science fact This groundbreaking series unravels the extrasensory feats and near-paranormal powers of animals. It journeys to the outer limits of scientific knowledge to find a parallel animal universe where life exists in other realities and has powers that almost defy belief.
Here sharks perceive human electric auras and dolphins use ultrasound to “see” a human foetus in the womb. There are monkey herbalists, frogs that have mastered the art of cryogenics and lizards that walk on water or cry blood.
Supernatural not only looks at animal hypnosis and the healing powers of fish and dolphins, it even explains weird phenomena such as animals foretelling earthquakes or forecasting the weather and fish that “rain” from the sky.
Episode(s) تعداد قسمتها :
01 - Extrasensory Perception
02 - Outer Limits
03 - Hidden Forces
04 - Time Warp
05 - Paranormal
06 - Close Encounters
07 - Special Feature : Supernatural Superstars!
خريد پستي Supernatural-The Unseen Powers of Animals ,حيات وحش Wildlife, فروشگاه فيلم هاي مستند كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research