Extreme Engineering is a documentary television series aired on the Discovery Channel and The Science Channel which features futuristic and ongoing engineering projects. As of 2007, the show aired its sixth season. The show has been hosted by Danny Forster since season 4. The show was renamed Build It Bigger in the US but retains its name when broadcast in Europe.
Episode(s) تعداد قسمتها :
01 - Tokyo's Sky City
02 - Subways in America
03 - Transatlantic Tunnel
04 - City in a Pyramid
05 - Bridging the Bering Strait
06 - Tunneling Under the Alps
07 - Building Hong Kong's Airport
08 - Holland's Barriers to the Sea
09 - Boston's Big Dig
10 - Widening the Panama Canal
خريد پستي Extreme Engineering(Season-1) ,علمی - تخيلی Sci-Fi, فروشگاه فيلم هاي مستند كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research