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John Shaw's Nature Photography Field GuideAn updated bestseller, this book of extraordinarily beautiful photographs of nature contains state-of-the-art instruction on how any photographer can aim for equally impressive results every time a ca ...
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Phrasal Verb Organiser: With Mini-Dictionary ...
دانلود download كتاب eBooks Phrasal Verb Organiser: With Mini-Dictionary از گروه Art and Humanities فرهنگ و هنر كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research

Architects' HandbookThe Architects' Handbook provides a comprehensive range of visual and technical information covering the great majority of building types likely to be encountered by architects, designers, building su ...
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Architectural Engineering Design: Mechanical Systems, Vol. 1NEW MECHANICAL SYSTEM STANDARDS FOR DESIGNING MODERN BUILDINGS! For the first time in nearly 40 years, here is a completely new professional handbook for designing mechanical systems in archictectu ...
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Architectures: Modernism and AfterArchitectures: Modernism and After surveys the history of the building from the advent of industrialization to the cultural imperatives of the present moment. • Brings together internation ...
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Latin Epics of the New Testament: Juvencus, Sedulius, AratorLatin Epics of the New Testament is about the growth of Christianity, and in particular the challenge of engaging with the Roman intellectual elite and its highly sophisticated Graeco-Roman tradition. ...
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Home Decorating with Origami ...
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How Digital Photography Works (How It Works Series) Ron White founded of one of the earliest PC user groups, and has been writing about computers for 20 years. He is the author of many other books, including How Computers Work, one of the best-selli ...
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Language of SpaceThis unique guide provides a systematic overview of the idea of architectural space. Bryan Lawson provides an ideal introduction to the topic, breaking down the complex and abstract terms used by ...
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The Art of Love: Bimillennial Essays on Ovid's Ars Amatoria and Remedia AmorisThe Art of Love celebrates the bi-millennium of Ovid's cycle of sophisticated and subversive didactic poems on love, traditionally assumed to have been brought to completion around AD 2. Ars Amatoria ...
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New Oxford Guide to WritingMany books on writing tell you how to think more creatively, how to conjure up an idea from scratch. Many, once you have an idea, show you how to express it clearly and elegantly. And many handbooks o ...
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Check Your English Vocabulary for Human Resources: All you need to pass your exams Rawdon Wyatt is the author of numerous other vocabulary preparation books, including ones for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOE ...
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Rescuer's Story: Pastor Pierre-Charles Toureille in Vichy FranceThis is the story of Pierre Toureille, a French Protestant pastor whose efforts resulted in the rescue of hundreds of refugees, most of them Jewish. Inspired by his Huguenot heritage, Pastro Toureille ...
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The Cambridge Companion to Walter BenjaminOffering a comprehensive introduction to the thought of Walter Benjamin, the highly influential twentieth-century critic and theorist, this Companion examines different significant aspects of Benjamin ...
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