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Value-Sensitive Design: Informed Consent and Network Browser SecurityMany of us when we design and implement computer technologies focus on making the technology work -- reliably, efficiently, and correctly. Rarely do we focus on human values. Discussed are a colle ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Value-Sensitive Design: Informed Consent and Network Browser Security از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Variable-Aperture PhotographyIn this talk I will describe three projects that harness the potential of variable-aperture photography -- capturing multiple photos by manipulating basic lens controls such as aperture and focus. I w ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Variable-Aperture Photography از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Variance Analyses from Invariance AnalysesAn invariance assertion for a program location "n" is a formula that always holds at "n" during execution of the program. Program invariance analyses infer invariance assertions that can be useful whe ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Variance Analyses from Invariance Analyses از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Verifying Safety Policies with Size Properties and Alias ControlsMany software properties can be analysed through a relational size analysis on each function's inputs and outputs. Such relational analysis (through a form of dependent typing) has been successfully a ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Verifying Safety Policies with Size Properties and Alias Controls از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Video Synopsis: Making an Infinite Video ShorterThe power of video over still images is the ability to represent dynamic activities. But video browsing and retrieval are inconvenient due to inherent spatio-temporal redundancies, where some time per ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Video Synopsis: Making an Infinite Video Shorter از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Video Traces: Media Rich Annotations for Learning and TeachingInnovative uses of video, audio, text, and graphics make it possible for the learner to engage in knowledge creation activities and provide opportunities of participating in communities of practice. I ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Video Traces: Media Rich Annotations for Learning and Teaching از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Viewing Privacy as a Security PropertyIn recent years user privacy has become an issue for computer system designers, service providers, and an active field of study in academia. Yet it is often seen as a side-issue, or an add-on to alrea ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Viewing Privacy as a Security Property از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Vinegar: Leading Indicators in Query LogsJuly 18th, 2007 ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Vinegar: Leading Indicators in Query Logs از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Virtual Coupling Schemes for Position Coherency in Networked Haptic Virtual Environments#Error ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Virtual Coupling Schemes for Position Coherency in Networked Haptic Virtual Environments از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Virtual Customer Environments & Customer Involvement in Innovation and Value CreationThe infusion of new information technologies in customer-firm interactions has redefined the roles customers can play in value creation and product innovation. Several companies (e.g. Microsoft, HP, P ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Virtual Customer Environments & Customer Involvement in Innovation and Value Creation از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Virtual Machines: The Ultimate Tool for Computer ForensicsThe field of computer forensics seeks to help investigators reconstruct what happened during a computer intrusion. Did an attacker break in, and if so, how? What havoc did the attacker wreak after bre ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Virtual Machines: The Ultimate Tool for Computer Forensics از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Virtual Private Machines: A Resource Abstraction for Multicore Computer SystemsThe computer industry is undergoing a momentous transformation. General-purpose computing is moving from desktops to diverse devices such as smart phones, digital entertainment centers and data center ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Virtual Private Machines: A Resource Abstraction for Multicore Computer Systems از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Virtual Reality Therapy: Using Immersive Virtual Reality Games to Help Reduce SufferingMy colleague Dave Patterson and I originated the technique of letting pediatric burn patients escape into virtual reality during painful medical procedures at Harborview Burn Center in Seattle (with h ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Virtual Reality Therapy: Using Immersive Virtual Reality Games to Help Reduce Suffering از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research VISP: Visualizing Information Search ProcessesJuly 18th, 2007 ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide VISP: Visualizing Information Search Processes از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Visual Classification by a Hierarchy of Semantic FragmentsWe describe visual classification by a hierarchy of semantic fragments. In fragment-based classification, objects within a class are represented by common sub-structures selected during training. Here ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Visual Classification by a Hierarchy of Semantic Fragments از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Visual Interfaces for DatabasesAlthough visual interfaces and databases are two of the success stories of the computer revolution, their synergy to date has been modest, probably because visual interfaces have focused on human capa ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Visual Interfaces for Databases از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Visual Recognition and Tracking for Perceptive InterfacesDevices should be perceptive, and respond directly to their human user and/or environment. In this talk I'll present new computer vision algorithms for fast recognition, indexing, and tracking that ma ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Visual Recognition and Tracking for Perceptive Interfaces از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Visualizing Social Interactions and Collaboration HistoryNo Description Available ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Visualizing Social Interactions and Collaboration History از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Visualmotor Tasks and Human LearningSubmarine navigation and flight control tasks are difficult for humans to learn because they require the coordination of a task strategy (evasive maneuver) and the skills to implement that strategy (a ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Visualmotor Tasks and Human Learning از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research Voyagers and Voyeurs: Supporting Collaborative Information VisualizationInteractive visualizations leverage human visual processing and cognition to increase the scale of information with which we can effectively work. However, most visualization research to date focuses ...
دانلود download ويدئو و اسلايد Video & Slide Voyagers and Voyeurs: Supporting Collaborative Information Visualization از گروه Computer Sience & Engineering كامپيوتر و مهندسی كتابخانه اينترنتي دانش گستران جوان You Research
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